T.O.L. specialize in soft-tissue injuries, advanced post-mortem reconstruction, airbrush cosmetics and waxing. Because the body is one of the most important considerations in this industry, when it comes to our facility, the embalming room became a passion-project for Courtney G. Baloney. Every intricate piece of detail, from the equipment, to cleanliness, to the use of products, they are all personal to this embalmer. In addition, clients are always tended to with such precision that they necessarily appear in a life-like, and a well-groomed state of rest. We have extensive experience reconstructing diseased areas, returning characteristic individual charms to cases where families thought there would be no viewing of their loved one’s remains. We understand the emotional weight that families carry during this time, so it became our mission to ensure that your loved ones are seen and remembered as a TREASURE!