Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most common questions we get that help guide our families in planning funeral or burial services.

Why is having a funeral ceremony important?

Throughout human history, and around the globe, people have gathered together to acknowledge the death of a member of the community. No matter who the deceased was, a funeral ceremony is the one (and sometimes the only) opportunity for everyone to come together to acknowledge their death, recognize the community's shared loss and share the burden of grief.

What is the average cost of a funeral service?

How does the cost for a funeral ceremony compare to the cost of a memorial service or celebration-of-life?

Who should be invited to a funeral?

Is it necessary to have flowers at the ceremony?

What's involved in preparing the body for viewing at a visitation or funeral?

If it makes people uncomfortable, why is it necessary to view the body in the casket?

How can I best prepare my children to attend a funeral?

What is a celebrant?

How long is a funeral service?

Must I wear black to the funeral ceremony?

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